Earth Day

river cleanup sponsored by Rivanna Conservation Society

One of the goals of the clean water act was to ensure that surface waters would meet standards necessary for human sports and recreation by 1983. In Virginia we have been talking about the the value of state waters for awhile.

To the end that the people have clean air, pure water, and the use and enjoyment for creation of adequate public lands, waters and other natural resources, it shall be the policy of the Commonwealth to conserve, develop and utilize its natural resources, its public lands and its historic sites and buildings.
Further, it shall be the Commonwealth’s policy to protect its atmosphere, lands and waters from pollution, impairment or destruction for the benefit, enjoyment and general welfare of the people of the Commonwealth.–Constitution of Virginia, Article 11

Alex Epstein has written about canceling earth day. There is an idea. Hey Alex? How about going for a swim in Moore’s Creek?

more Charlottesville videos by wakethinkact

Liriodendron tulipifera

November 2006, west lawn, Monticello
Tulip trees on the west side of Monticello.
leigh trigg and Th. Jefferson's tulip tree
This is an old tree. There is evidence it was planted April 16, 1807. I have five tulip trees to plant this weekend. This tree is 22 feet in circumference, the trees I am planting are 3/4 of an inch in circumference.
This tree affected many lives. One was my neighbor Mike Van Yahres grandfather’s. (Visit Monticello’s podcast section and search poplar for that story)
The tree was removed. Profound health issues. I am pleased that the grounds people are leaving the stump in place for awhile. It is a memorial.

See Patterson Clark’s excellent article in the Washington Post about tulip trees.


Met with the photo people tonight. It’s hard times for photographers. Micro stock, instant turnaround, accelerated obsolescence of capital investment.  Customers are buying less art.