kitchen window On the 134 y.o. sash a 44 y.o. political button. The ground covered by 5 day old snow. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.–Byrds +/-
Jimmy President Carter came to CHO in 1987. I can’t remember the content of his speech, can any of you UVA folk unearth a transcript? newspaper heralding JEC apothesis State of the Union? Speaker Thomas Phillip “Tip” O’Neill Jr. in the background.
Vitamin D When I am dragging there are people in life I call on. Being old I call on their memory. They fire back. Get up. Get it done.
Ida Forty eight years have passed. I’ve had a number of domestic associates in that time. My memory of how we parted ways is clear in all cases except with Ida. I don’t remember her death, I don’t remember her burial. Where did she go? Who did she take up with?