Walking south on Old Harbor Road, with one foot you’re standing in Massachusetts, next step lands you in Rhode Island. I’ve always been curious about this structure. Who built it? Why?
What do we want? Street trees. How do we get there? We plant street trees. Are we there yet? We inventory the street trees, reassess and plant as needed.
Friday morning, snow quietly begins in CharlottesvilleSaturday was another story. Cold, snow blowing.I ran into some folk on the Rivanna trail wearing snow shoes.Skiers from FifevilleNon-city sanctioned, recreation in the street. My favorite aspect of a snow storm, bipeds reclaim the commons, temporarily people, rule.C&O railroad bridge, Moores Creek. Anyone know what year this was built?Woolen Mills roofs, Alexander, Milby, Hudson, Timberlake…Momentary uptick in entrepreneurial activity.
Took down the Christmas light, the infamous Star Shower, which sold out in Charlottesville retail locations last December.The brightest single beam, at 0.4 mW, is below the 1.0 mW Class II limit.