indigenous fruit The paw paw is the largest edible fruit indigenous to the United States. Asimina triloba has had numerous local common names including: wild banana, prairie banana, Indiana banana, Hoosier banana, West Virginia banana, Kansas banana, Kentucky banana, Michigan banana, Missouri banana, the poor man’s banana, Ozark banana, and banango.-Wikipedia
3:59 Fly away. Window at the Florida State Hospital, a hospital and mental institution in Chattahoochee, Florida. Victor Licata, axe murderer, was housed here. He slayed his family in 1933 influencing the idea that marijuana causes criminal insanity.–Wikipedia
Road Hearing April 1981. There was a road hearing in Quincy, Farmers Home Administration money paying for some of the asphalt, residents paying for the rest at $16.80 per foot of frontage. The asphalt assessments to be paid over 10 years, with 10 equal payments. Non attendance at the meeting counted as a “yes” vote. Lots of people attended.