The first 100 days, a turbulent atmosphere in which to be raising an animal.Tilly is at 95 days, in a biting phase. Towel, newspapers, bills, cameras, people, rugs, toilet bowl brushes, brooms, Bibles, nothing is safe.And so the gentle efforts continue to adjust the little dog’s nature while leaving her spirit intact. Introduce her to the finer things.Encourage her to be an active participant in community events (here listening to CHO City Councilors and Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards at Arbor Day event).Participate in local politics. National is riotous, local makes a difference.I am having physical health issues. Dr. John Sarno would say I am having mental health issues. Maybe a combination of both.I have Doctor appointments. Tilly has reality appointments, the continuing secondary socialization and inoculation to the wildness of the world. Pepe the cat hammers home the cat lives matter message.Tilly learns to totally ignore the internal combustion engine with the help of most excellent neighbor Uncle Chuck.The water dog lessons continue with little advancement in attitude. Tilly has seen other dogs wet, she has fallen headlong into a neighbor’s fishpond (thankfully she held her breath while fully submersed).So, much like her 100 day companion, Tilly takes baby steps, practices incrementalism. Someday she will be a water dog.Her health has been good. Her appetite is Labradorian. Externally, she is good. But what of the inner dog?We hang around Buddhas at every opportunity. Catching the middle way by proximity.Does the dog occupy a celebrated role in any religion?oneWorking on it.
While walking, Tilly hoovers or attempts to hoover most every object she encounters. I noticed her chewing yesterday so did a quick oral sweep and came out with this monster. It has been raining in Virginia the last few days, the mushrooms are plentiful. This is the gill side. Type?
In the rainy afternoon Tilly began exhibiting behaviors I’ve never seen in a dog, attempting, with no production, to pee and poop once a minute. Whining, walking rapidly, circling, assuming the position. When she vomited I loaded her in the car for a vet visit.
In the movie, Tender Mercies, Robert Duval’s character said “I don’t trust happiness.”
When Sophie was little, I bumped into the insufficiency of a puppy’s immune system when she had the fever of unknown origin, walked the edge of death for three days.
In Tilly’s case, seemingly the presenting problem is a raging urinary tract infection. On Amoxicillin now, feeling better.
Tilly started puppy class at All Things PawssibleStarted private Cat tutorials with Pepe.Chris Hlad is teaching her to write poetry.Till continued inspecting utility work on Franklin StreetLearned finer points of ball handling from Pearldid a “run through the flowers” scene in an independent filmTilly’s human is too damn old..Goes to the doctor a lot.The relationship with water continues to develop.One of the 300? She is lapping the water but still looking around. Judges 7:4-7 But the Lord told Gideon, “There are still too many! Bring them down to the spring, and I will test them to determine who will go with you and who will not.” When Gideon took his warriors down to the water, the Lord told him, “Divide the men into two groups. In one group put all those who cup water in their hands and lap it up with their tongues like dogs. In the other group put all those who kneel down and drink with their mouths in the stream.” 6Only 300 of the men drank from their hands. All the others got down on their knees and drank with their mouths in the stream. 7The Lord told Gideon, “With these 300 men I will rescue you and give you victory over the Midianites. Send all the others home.” So Gideon collected the provisions and rams’ horns of the other warriors and sent them home. But he kept the 300 men with him. Exhausted. Asleep in the foodbowl. Classic Labrador move.
In between naps, trying to immunize the little dog against fear. Walking on bricks…Puppies get their primary socialization from their siblings and momma. Secondary socialization is the human’s job. Live musicians, panhandlers, back-up beepersFound a comfortable perch on Market to watch pedestrians, bicycles, garbage trucks, busesIt takes a village. Fire engine #5 arrived on east Market when an unmarked gas line was cut by excavators. People in uniforms, flashing lights, meet them now, no fear later.During the temporary cessation of work, Scott’s Back Hoe’s dog whisperer taught Tilly to retrieve.I had tried to teach this unsuccessfully, the DW got 5 out of 5 returns.Puppy inspector.Undaunted.
Labradors love to eat, strong motivation where food is concerned. I left Tilly with a 32oz empty yogurt container. Came back a minute later to find her stumbling around the room, like wearing a hat that was too large. In the yogurt container up to her ears bumping into furniture. She wasn’t in distress, there was still yogurt to be had.
Thinking about venturing out.How does a house dog become Waterdog?Investigating this thing called water.Yes or no?Knee deep.Stress relief. Learning about water, panel vans, fire engines, front end loaders, bicycles, live musicians, meetings, strollers, babies, trains uniforms. Sometime the little dog lets off steam with a game of tug.