We had heavy rain in the Rivanna watershed May30-31. I’d like to time travel, see such a rain event when the Monacan People were in charge of land-use locally. Would the river rise to the same degree? Would it carry the same sediment load?Charlottesville has a 4.2 mile waterfront but it is not easy to access. The one official access point in the City limits, Riverview Park, was closed this morning around 8:00AM.Riverview Park, photo before closure by Robin Hanes
Associated water bodies back up as well, this is Moores Creek next to the Charlottesville Woolen Mill. A river in flood is possessed with a lot of energy. Be careful out there!
The water main has broken in this vicinity several times in the past but never so photogenically.It’s Memorial Day weekend, but Public Works showed quickly.Not quite enough water for a paddleboard.