Visiting Henry Taylor, St. John’s Chapel, Green Springs National Historic District
Month: June 2013
The true frogs have moist, smooth skin with or without a ridge (dorsolateral fold) extending from the ear drum (tympanum) along the side of the back to the hip or groin area.–Frog and Toad I.D. Cleveland Museum of Natural History
At risk
June 22, 2010 the Charlottesville Planning Commission added Franklin Street to the City’s sidewalk priority list. Franklin is one of twelve North South pedestrian paths across the railroad. These railroad crossings are of particular interest because they focus vehicle and pedestrian activity in a confined area.
Since June 2010 the bike/ped facilities at Meade Avenue/Carlton Road, at 1st Street SE, at Shamrock Road and at JPA have been upgraded.
Pedestrians on Franklin Street are left to their own devices.
Even though there are straightforward fixes available.
This time of year Frank points out that the hours of daylight are decreasing… “it’ll be winter soon.”
UV degradation
After six years exposure to the Virginia climate this Kleeman sign suffered structural failure. A physical remnant of the 2007 Council election.
A physical result of several elections, construction of a road through a park.
My mother in Richmond VA chats with her grand daughters in Japan. Good magic.
1970 Nova
My favorite aspect of the Look3 festival is hearing photographers talk. They’d run slides while the photographer on the spot would converse with an interviewer. Honesty, humility and reverence made multiple appearances during these conversations: the format is revelatory, productive and beautiful.
Local resident, photographer and National Geographic photography editor at large, Nick Nichols, was one of those interviewed. Pausing here as he prepared to exit stage right.
Shots and Works
Jermaine “Flizzo” Clement of the film Flex Is Kings participated in the Look3 slide show Saturday night. Regarding Flex, NYT explains.