The City is concentrating its affordable housing investments in quadrant four. The area has some of the best views in town, easy access to the Interstate, close to parks.
A car jumped over the CSX-Buckingham Branch tracks the morning of June 5, a highly unusual occurrence. On a typical day thousands of vehicles go under the tracks via Franklin Street between Carlton Avenue and Market Street, no one goes over.Sources speculate the vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed north on Franklin. At an estimated 80 mph the car blew through the stop sign , mowed through vegetation, went up the 45% incline, jumped the railroad tracks and was stopped suddenly on the north side of the embankment by a 12″ diameter tree.Nigel Wood Tree Service loaned 4×8 poly-carbonate sheets to the homeowner enabling Charlottesville Wrecker’s recovery of the vehicle without damage to the turf.2012 Buick RegalAir bags protect the passengers, trees protect the house. No word on the current condition of the vehicle’s occupants.