Chris This photo from a class the police provide to allow citizens to better understand what they do, how they operate. The fellow pictured at the center, has since been hired by the City. Chris has made a huge contribution to local quality of life by knitting together and adding to a city-wide trails system.
Airhog Marmota monax Despite their heavy-bodied appearance, groundhogs are accomplished swimmers and occasionally climb trees when escaping predators or when they want to survey their surroundings.–Wikipedia Never seen this before…
age attitude vehicle choice Whenever I see an Australian Shepherd I think uh-oh. Had a slight run in with one in Riverview this morning. Me and my bicycle on the ground. Shepherd barking in my face. Tilly upside-down furiously wagging her tail, messaging submission. The Australian Shepherd is not a polite society dog. Should have taken the truck…
Pelecanus occidentalis It is found on the Atlantic Coast from Nova Scotia to the mouth of the Amazon River, and along the Pacific Coast from British Columbia to northern Chile, including the Galapagos Islands.–Wikipedia (western birds, wish smooth sailing to HPE)
one year Tilly has been in Charlottesville for a year. Picked her up in Galax at Laurel Fork Labradors March 2017. She has grown into her feet. Snout has grown out. She came into the world via cesarean section. Nine brothers, she was the only female in the litter. Tilly is bigger than Eva now but they are still best friends.
John Joseph Tornatore III John Joseph “Skip” Tornatore, III, 78, of Charlottesville, passed away on Monday, March 12, 2018, at the University of Virginia Medical Center, The Daily Progress has his obituary. Mr. Tornatore and his wife operated Helen and John’s Grocery at 123 Franklin Street for many many years. Skip and Nadine had what you needed when you needed it. The place was a store with more… Skip was a kind, gentle caring man. His stock appealed to young and old alike. My favorite item was his custom sandwiches. The store was a gathering place for long time Woolen Mills and Hogwaller residents. His friends were legion. He is missed. Thank you Skippy!
Snow dogs The snow today is the first accumulation Tilly has experienced since she arrived in CHO a year ago. Play day for dogs. Worn out.
West to east walk along Route 250 Car broken, walking home. Started in the Meadows Neighborhood, Angus Road. Crossed 9 lanes of Route 29 in 14 seconds, the allowed time. (GPS track from the Meadows to the Woolen Mills, 4.37 miles) The area around the intersection of Hydraulic and Route 29 is the focus of ongoing Council and Planning Commission discussion, a possible amendment to the 2013 Comp Plan to qualify for VDOT “smart scale” funds… Close your eyes and ears. Ugly. East of the Hydraulic/Rt 250 Bypass intersection there is a pedestrian trail through west McIntire Park (thanks to Parks and Recreation and Chris Gensic). Beautiful… The trail parallels the north edge of the 250 Bypass running through the beech forest behind the fire station. The trail dead ends into the back of the YMCA. I walked around the front, entered the door. Tried to get a tour. No. They didn’t have anyone available who could show me around. East of the YMCA Parks and Recreation has begun installation of a pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks to connect west and east McIntire Park. Meanwhile, this is the 250 Bypass sidewalk crossing the railroad tracks. After crossing the railroad tracks, the Rt 250 north sidewalk disappears. Made it to Park Street via the median, then walked North Downtown, Martha Jefferson and Little High neighborhood streets and sidewalks the rest of the way home. The pedestrian connection will be better soon. It is happening.