Month: January 2013
her dogness
Sophia is thirteen today. Celebration consisted of a road trip, pack time and howling with the Prowlers at NKT.
technicolor zoning
Theoretically, the primary purpose of zoning is to segregate uses that are thought to be incompatible. In practice, zoning is used to prevent new development from interfering with existing residents or businesses and to preserve the “character” of a community. Zoning is commonly controlled by local governments such as counties or municipalities, though the nature of the zoning regime may be determined or limited by state or national planning authorities or through enabling legislation.–Wikipedia
Mixed use districts downtown north and downtown extended, business, residential and manufacturing B1, R-1, R-2, M-I, plus several individually protected properties.
0734 hrs
didelphis virginiana
The possum shed
Chancellor Street
Recruitment day at the sixteen member sororities of Virginia’s Inter-Sorority Council.
Saturday, January 19th
Event Length: 45 minutes
What to Expect: Potential new members can return to up to 7 houses. This round allows you to get a first-hand view inside all of our beautiful chapter houses as they give you a full tour. As you tour around the house or do a philanthropic craft, they will have food and drink available to you! This round’s conversation is much longer and more in-depth. You should be looking for certain attributes you want in your sorority and your sorority sisters. Listen carefully to decide if the achievements and activities you both discuss are also important aspects of your college goals. Ask the women you meet about their sorority, and use this information to help narrow your choice of which chapters could be right for you!
What to wear: Business formal attire (nicer dresses, skirts, etc. – an outfit you might wear to church, or to a fancy dinner with your boyfriend’s parents)
Chancellor Street was made one way awhile back. Good move. A traffic calming measure that is in the City toolbox, no legislative approval required. A herd of pedestrians is an even better traffic calming measure. Peter Norton would be proud. Reclaiming the street!
inside the Vortex. Work will stop tomorrow night at 2000hrs.
Sunday January 20 Key Recreation Center, 800 East Market Street Charlottesville, VA
2:00pm – 4:00pm: Public Opening and voting for Awards (end of voting at 3:30 pm)
4:00pm – 4:30pm: Award Ceremony
Carlton Avenue
Feels like the real estate machine is heating up in Charlottesville. Buildings are disappearing.
January 15, Room 241, Albemarle County Office Building. Members of the Charlottesville and the Albemarle County Planning Commissions raise their hands in near unanimous support for the joint implementation item:
“Create a plan that incorporates a unified vision for land uses adjacent to the Rivanna River that support the river corridor as a desitination; and develops a shared vision for parks, trails and recreational opportunities associated with the river.”
Across town, January 14, UVA Architecture kicked of its all school workshop “The Rivanna River Woolen Mills & Pantops”. Here Dan Bluestone addresses several hundred students and faculty who will be involved in the project. Charlottesville Tomorrow has the story and audio.
UVA Department of Urban and Environmental Planning/City Councilor Kathy Galvin walks and talks a group of students through the Woolen Mills during a site visit January 15.