During WWII, before my father deployed, my parents moved all over the US. Today, my mom is changing address again, 2nd time in 7 months. She rangers on, I long for the stability of the homes she created.
Month: June 2011
I have envy. One of the dread Capital Vices, a.k.a. the seven deadly sins.
Traffic control envy.
Everyday I bike through the 2nd Street Northwood corridor of Charlottesville . This is a lovely neighborhood with many traffic calming measures, excellent pedestrian facilities and little cut-through traffic. This neighborhood is eminently walkable. From the sign above, It looks like they are fixing to get roundabouts? Good idea…
My envy, my argument on this subject is one of need and equity. Lets use geospatial technology to see where our City spends its capital improvement dollars and help direct the allocation of those funds. GPS analysis might help us combat the “two Charlottesvilles” problem. When we spend money to address quality of life, traffic and safety issues we should strive for even handedness. I think the CIP/GPS overview would produce revelatory results.
A year ago I posted a video of a street I walk every day, Franklin Street. Franklin has no sidewalk. 75% of Franklin’s motorists are short-cutting through residential neighborhoods (Belmont and Woolen Mills) to save time. This is an issue raised with the City over twenty years ago. Remedial action has been proposed in the next five years.
furrin car HeLP!

OK. If any of you are willing, please find me a source for the plug pictured, with seven bare wires coming out of it...
Highway Corridor
Carterfields Sporting Supplies
Gun Shop in Charlottesville, VA
Firearms in Charlottesville, VA
Hunting Supplies in Charlottesville, VA
Guns in Charlottesville, VA
Used Guns in Charlottesville, VA
Archery in Charlottesville, VA
Bait in Charlottesville, VA
Tackle in Charlottesville, VA
Scope Mounting in Charlottesville, VA
At the foot of Monticello Mountain, at the SE entrance to CHO, Route 20 Exit, I-64.
please advise
Apple Store
Dede Smith announced her candidacy for City Council yesterday, in a park, under a tree, south of the tracks.
Ms. Smith was introduced by Mr. Cox, one of several Mayors in attendance.
Following introductory remarks, Ms. Smith answered questions from broadcast, print and web journalists…
Charlottesville Tomorrow has the story.
2008 Volkswagen Passat 4D Sedan Lux
My mom has given up driving, I am trying to sell her car.
Prospective buyers of this vehicle will probably not be attracted by an image that infers that the Passat is as fast as a freight train.
Low mileage vehicle (11663 miles this morning).
Make me an offer. More pictures.
Look3 Festival, Charlottesville’s festival of the photograph is wrapping up. I missed the festival this year except for two slide shows and a quick look at the World Press Photo 11 Exhibit at McGuffey.
What a year for news photographers… Earthquakes, floods, fires and humans behaving badly. My baby in the birdbath has a real world counterpart, photo by Javier Manzano.
I am sad to have missed so much of the festival this year, won’t happen again.