
three labradors
Stopped by Service Dogs of Virginia, making new friends. Service Dogs of Virginia is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that raises, trains, and places dogs to assist people with disabilities. Highly trained dogs perform a multitude of tasks that allow greater personal freedom and independence.

Put a lid on it

primary clarifier
January 27, 2015- 2:15 the regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of RWSA,
Administration Building 695 Moores Creek Lane. Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Staff
will recommend that the Board adopt a revised dollar figure for odor control capital expenditures 2015-2019.
Previously, the odor control figure was 2 million dollars, RWSA staff recommend increasing that figure to
9.3 million dollars in an effort to keep odors on-site at the Moores Creek sewage treatment plant.
The outlay would fund:
“The proposed improvements include covering the primary clarifiers, equalization and grit removal upgrades,
covering the headworks and screening channels, hauling improvements associated with the biosolids storage area,
eliminating the post digestion clarifiers, digester interior coating, cleaning the holding ponds and
equalization basins, and providing a centralized odor scrubber unit to treat foul air.”
Both the Charlottesville City Council and the Albemarle County Service Authority have passed resolutions
in support of the proposed odor control expenditures.
sewage sludge awaits shipment
biosolids (sewage sludge) awaiting transport


unshielded luminaire
The nature of lighting has a major effect on mood and the ability of sighted creatures to navigate. Fortunately humans are only in charge of lighting at night.