
check out aisle
Which would you prefer as the central repository for your media consumption, Facebook or the check-out aisle? Are they that different?

East River

Robert Kennedy Bridge
Road to hell. I made room for this Canadian. Then waited 20 minutes to cross the East River. Transportation workers appeared, disappeared, reappeared. Waited. Inquired when it was finally my turn at the window, “Whats up with that?” Response, Canadians… They never bring their money.

Smokey Bear for President!

In November 1951, the first Smokey Bear costume was fabricated by Wass of Philadelphia for the  Virginia Division of Forestry.

Smokey Bear Guidelines March 2009
Individuals who wear and use the costume must agree to:
1. Use the costume only to further public information, education, and awareness of the prevention of wildfires.
2. NOT TO SPEAK during appearances. Conversations or explanations should be carried out by the accompanying official (escort).
3. Never appear in less than full costume.
4. Remain anonymous at every appearance and in any publicity connected with an appearance. This includes being photographed without the head.
5. Use only costumes that are clean, complete, and in good condition.
6. Keep costume out-of-sight before and after use.
7. Appear dignified and friendly. Avoid clowning and horseplay.
8. Always be accompanied by an appropriately uniformed escort in public appearances, except where not practical, such as on a parade float where space is limited.
9. Do not use alcohol or illicit drugs prior to and during the Smokey Bear appearance. This condition applies to uniformed escorts as well.

1. The person wearing the costume must exhibit appropriate animation to be effective. Express sincerity and interest in the appearance by moving paws, head, and legs.
2. There shall be at least one uniformed escort to accompany the Bear. The escort shall guide the Bear at the elbow.
3. After donning the costume, the escort shall inspect the suit. Check for the following:
Is the drawstring tucked in?
Is the zipper out of sight?
Are the buttons fastened?
Is the belt firmly fastened to the pants?
Are the pant cuffs neat?
Is the hat crown up?
Is the head straight on the shoulders?
Is the fur brushed generously?
4. A private dressing room is necessary for putting on and taking off the costume.
5. The costumed bear should not force itself on anyone. Do not walk rapidly toward small children.
6. A round-point shovel is part of the Smokey Bear image. It shall be used for appearances, when appropriate.