100 days

The first 100 days, a turbulent atmosphere in which to be raising an animal.
tilly and eva hard to watch
Tilly is at 95 days, in a biting phase. Towel, newspapers, bills, cameras, people, rugs, toilet bowl brushes, brooms, Bibles, nothing is safe.
ProCamera CHO VA
And so the gentle efforts continue to adjust the little dog’s nature while leaving her spirit intact. Introduce her to the finer things.
Shumard Oak at Central library
Encourage her to be an active participant in community events (here listening to CHO City Councilors and Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards at Arbor Day event).
knocking on doors
Participate in local politics. National is riotous, local makes a difference.
I am having physical health issues. Dr. John Sarno would say I am having mental health issues. Maybe a combination of both.
dog and cat
I have Doctor appointments. Tilly has reality appointments, the continuing secondary socialization and inoculation to the wildness of the world. Pepe the cat hammers home the cat lives matter message.
best neighbor everr
Tilly learns to totally ignore the internal combustion engine with the help of most excellent neighbor Uncle Chuck.
Riverview Park
The water dog lessons continue with little advancement in attitude. Tilly has seen other dogs wet, she has fallen headlong into a neighbor’s fishpond (thankfully she held her breath while fully submersed).
dog in developer tray
So, much like her 100 day companion, Tilly takes baby steps, practices incrementalism. Someday she will be a water dog.
black and white lino
Her health has been good. Her appetite is Labradorian. Externally, she is good. But what of the inner dog?
Tilly w/ GB
We hang around Buddhas at every opportunity. Catching the middle way by proximity.
dog Buddha feet
Does the dog occupy a celebrated role in any religion?
Tilly GB
Working on it.

Author: WmX

I stumbled off the track to success in 1968, started chasing shadows that summer. Since then, In addition to farm-laborer and newspaper photographer my occupational incarnations include dishwasher, janitor, retail photo clerk, plumber, HVAC repairman, auto mechanic, CAT scan technologist, computer worker and politico (whatever it takes to buy a camera.) I am on the road to understanding black and white photography.