Airhog Marmota monax

Despite their heavy-bodied appearance, groundhogs are accomplished swimmers and occasionally climb trees when escaping predators or when they want to survey their surroundings.–Wikipedia

Never seen this before…

Pelecanus occidentalis

It is found on the Atlantic Coast from Nova Scotia to the mouth of the Amazon River, and along the Pacific Coast from British Columbia to northern Chile, including the Galapagos Islands.–Wikipedia
(western birds, wish smooth sailing to HPE)

Procyon lotor

He’d entertained the thought of driving away, drinking the beer. Abandoned the plan after realizing it was a Ford.

Odocoileus virginianus

white tailed deer
Tilly had her first close encounter with a wild ungulate by the Rivanna river last week. Tilly didn’t give chase. Something I didn’t know about deer? “Though almost entirely herbivorous, white-tailed deer have been known to opportunistically feed on nesting songbirds, field mice, and birds trapped in mist nets, if the need arises.”–Wikipedia

Odocoileus virginianus

4 lane 35mph
A pedestrian has a 3.5% chance of being killed by a vehicle traveling at fifteen miles per hour, but the likelihood of death increases to 37% when the vehicle is traveling at thirty-one miles per hour and to 83% when the vehicle is traveling at forty-four miles per hour.–Why Pedestrian-Friendly Street Design is Not Negligent Michael Lewyn