dollar dollar dollar

near Futenma, hiway 81
Dollar General DG, Family Dollar FDO, Dollar Tree DLTR.
Will Dollar Tree be able to fix Family Dollar?
Family Dollar shareholders approved a merger with Dollar Tree instead of rival suitor Dollar General.
Watch out you dollar people, roaring out of the east, the House of 66 cent!
I looked for an SNL skit where a customer complains about his less than a dollar purchase.
Old skit, from the eighties. Search turned up the more recent 39 cent

Bass fishing in the afterlife?

casket display
Big box stores have not gotten into the long box business. Around 7000+ people die everyday in the US, is that not enough of a market to interest the kings of retail?
Selling caskets would be a downer, depressing the sale of premium outdoor gas grills?

Micropterus salmoides
What message to send off with the loved one?
When this purchase comes it is not an easy day. Bypass this store, green burial is an option.

Mall Hugger

mall hugger
Call me old fashioned. A free opportunity in which I wasn’t willing to engage. I scurried off.

Trust. I’ll trust you. Will you trust me? Doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, why you’re here. Bring your heart-SHARE A HUG!
“In a time with so much division and fear, maybe the most revolutionary and helpful thing we can do is give each other a hug.”–The sign says

Vegas 2011
This sign in Vegas, 2011, eyes wide open.


Should the City of Charlottesville honor “Lee-Jackson” Confederate generals day with a holiday? It’s a state holiday in Virginia. City Councilors say they want to hear from the public. Weigh in at

Sandy Hausman at WVTF covers ever evolving male trends, lumbersexual.

CVS Health

CVS Counter signs
“Ending the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products at CVS/pharmacy is simply the right thing to do for the good of our customers and our company. The sale of tobacco products is inconsistent with our purpose – helping people on their path to better health.”–CVS

Simply the right thing to do? On my way from this, the front counter, to the pharmacy counter in the back of the store there is an entire aisle LOADED with candy. What percentage of the people who walk through the portals of CVS are obese and/or diabetic?

Stay Puft

stay puft figure
Vernon Rudolph started making doughnuts in Old Salem (Winston-Salem) NC, in the summer of 1937.
Don’t know when Mr. Stay Puft began working with Krispy Kreme or how much he,
or Dan Aykroyd or Ghostbusters make from the deal.

Dan Aykroyd conceived of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man for his initial script for Ghostbusters
the movie. He created the character to show that “it seems harmless and puff and cute—but given
the right circumstances, everything can be turned back and become evil”–Wikipedia