photography from the Chesapeake Bay watershed by Bill Emory
Job site dog
A dog wants to investigateRun aroundMeet and greet people.
Tilly is 2+. At an age where she can learn Zen dog skills, stillness, watchfulness.
Lassie would observe. At the moment when someone fell off a ladder, required assistance, she’d put on the tourniquet, apply compression.Tilly has yet to acquire the full package of EMT skills but she is understanding the quiet observation piece.She finds a spot in the shade, smells and listens to the wind. Watches. Waits.
Author: WmX
I stumbled off the track to success in 1968, started chasing shadows that summer. Since then, In addition to farm-laborer and newspaper photographer my occupational incarnations include dishwasher, janitor, retail photo clerk, plumber, HVAC repairman, auto mechanic, CAT scan technologist, computer worker and politico (whatever it takes to buy a camera.) I am on the road to understanding black and white photography.
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