The congregation of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church was officially organized in 1911
under the guidance of Rev. Zebulon S. Farland. That same year a simple brick chapel was
erected near the end of Grove Avenue to house the group. As the neighborhood near the
church grew, so did the congregation; thus in 1921 planning for a larger structure was
underway. A lot west of the chapel, at the corner of Grove Avenue and Three Chopt Road,
was purchased. The same year Rev. Giles B. Palmer assumed the duties of rector , which
included overseeing the construction of a new building.–VADHR
This the place where my mother’s memorial service will be held February 22, 2014.
Dear Bill,
Apologies if this messages seems to come from out of nowhere! My name is Addison Eastman, and I’m looking to have my wedding at St. Stephen’s. The main sanctuary will be under going construction for the entire calendar year of 2015. Thus, we are thinking of having our ceremony in Palmer Hall (how I found your work). Unforunately, I live in Arizona, and can’t be there to look at Palmer Hall in person. Do you happen to have any interior photos of the hall? If you would be willing to share a few with me, that would be extremely appreciated. My email address is addison.eastman@utexas.edu. Thank you so much for your time!