Corner of Cedar Hills and Hydraulic Road. The trees in this part of town are disappearing, soon to be replanted along the grand boulevards of Stonefield. I suppose the trees in the Route 29 median are gone for good.
Has the Muse of Architects been communicating on a regular basis with the builders of Stonefield? Will the addition of veneers, nature band-aids, signage, street lights and grifters make it feel more like Charlottesville? While the grifters might not be welcome to loiter and panhandle in the interior of Stonefield they’ll probably be able to set up along the Hydraulic frontage in the public right of way.
Curiosity (Martian rover) landed today. (illustration below courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Look at it. It has cameras, wheels, it is looking for something. Looking for the trees and where did all the Martian water go? Curiosity has a Twitter Feed.
When will the Big Windowless at Stonefield be activated? Is it a DT mall slayer robot?
Will it spew cars through Cedar Hills neighborhood? Is there a water feature? Does Stonefield have a Twitter Feed?
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Beautiful picture of Stonefield, Bill.
God, it’s depressing. Hard to believe it’s a place the planners expect people to spend money and have fun. And spend money. Looks more like an upscale prison than the human and commodities warehouse that it is.
We don’t have to build like this. It’s not the best choice economically, culturally, or aesthetically. But we do it anyway.
I don’t think it’s a threat to the downtown mall, btw. But it’s going to hurt other malls on 29 — the Giant mall and the former Circuit City mall — both of which are already in decline.