
albco statue
Who is this guy? Was there an outlet, a manufacturer of glorious cause statues in the US at the turn of the century? What kind of rifle? Is he in uniform? Who paid for the statue? How much?

Author: WmX

I stumbled off the track to success in 1968, started chasing shadows that summer. Since then, In addition to farm-laborer and newspaper photographer my occupational incarnations include dishwasher, janitor, retail photo clerk, plumber, HVAC repairman, auto mechanic, CAT scan technologist, computer worker and politico (whatever it takes to buy a camera.) I am on the road to understanding black and white photography.

One thought on “whois”

  1. The statue is an unnamed foot soldier. Women’s civics groups raised money for hundreds of nearly identical statues to be erected near the end of the nineteenth century. Well-to-do ladies organized associations which pressed the patriarchs of the town to pitch in. There was indeed one foundry (in the North, I think) that cast the things (bronze), both the Confederate and Union foot soldier.

    Interestingly, it wasn’t until well after the war that the “common man” statuary got made, and sold, town- to-town by agents for the foundry, to commemorative organizations, North and South. And of course you know the story of the McIntire statuary.

    I’m sure one could find the record of these things at the Hysterical Society.

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