Eight years ago a massive white oak next to Brooks Hall blew down, the night hurricane Isabel came to town. UVA is really good about planting trees on central grounds (aka campus). They replanted a sapling near the oak’s site. My question, what is this tree? Looks almost like pictures of American Chestnut (Castanea dentate), a tree that used to dominate the Piedmont, got knocked down hard by blight starting in the early 1900’s.
On the subject of tree genocide, I wonder if UVA has an official program to deal with the Emerald Ash Borer? No doubt. They must. I wonder what percentage of the large trees at UVA are ash trees? The borers’ favorite food.
3 thoughts on “whatis?”
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It also could be Sawtooth Oak, check here for a few more identifiers. http://dendro.cnre.vt.edu/dendrology/syllabus/factsheet.cfm?ID=67
We lost most if not all ash trees to Emerald Ash Borer in south western Ontario. They were trying some pesticides (imidacloprid)at the time and had some success but not until most of the damage was done. Windsor Ontario lost 6000 trees over about about 5 years.
Quercus acutissima. I can confirm by going to the site. BTW, Bill, any good shots at Repose yesterday? A bit foggy but would’ve have been good to photograph the house with the misty background. Regretfully, I didn’t bring a camera.
I have one of those in my yard! Quercus accutissma, Sawtooth Oak, as those above have observed.