I am keeping a list of our home-grown Cassandras, that valiant bunch with a knack for prophecy, citizens looking a few months ahead.
With one exception (Charlottesville Tomorrow), local media have shown little interest in this acronym laced, Chesapeake Bay “environmental” story. TMDLs, WIPs. Ho-Hum. Complicated. Who cares?
The information is beginning infiltrate into politicians’ craniums via multiple public meetings where the Cassandras stand up and sing. Government staff “get” the import of pending events, but until voters shriek and wail, no action will be seen from elected leaders.
For citizens wishing to weigh in, write a letter to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Ask the DCR to craft a Watershed Implementation Plan that “gets it done”. The WIP must provide the EPA with details, legislative proposals, reasonable assurance…
The public comment period for the draft Virginia Watershed Implementation Plan closes a week from today.
(Notes: audio clip is CHO Planning Commission Chairman Jason Pearson at that body’s October 12, 2010 meeting. Water up top, Rappahannock River, politicians, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Ken Boyd and Duane Snow.)
3 thoughts on “trickle down”
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That photo up top is stunningly beautiful.
Hey Michael-good to hear from you. I was lucky with that one.
Luck, you say? Ha! It’s not luck when the seasoned angler bags his trout.