hot month

silhouettes of three people
post Oppenheimer
walking in the shade of a deciduous tree, in the micro climate between ground and branches, is a good place to be

July 4 Monticello

John Charles Thomas
The Honorable John Charles Thomas delivers the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

Mcello east view
I had planned to skip the celebration this year. But when the 4th arrived, I could not resist.
Walked up the mountain via Mulberry Row.
(can someone please recount the history of this structure?)
dudes with tricorner hats
Old Line Fife and Drum Corps prepare
Security and retired Navy were there (notice cellphone people in background)
so many cellphones
The President of UVA, James E. Ryan, spoke. Ryan was introduced by Mr. Tobias Dengel, Chair of the Foundation Board of Trustees
the Charlottesville Band played
Troop 75 was on hand to present the colors.
The sun was intense
Judges Urbanski and Kavanaugh conducted the naturalization ceremony swearing in 50+ new citizens. The comments of the new citizens are the heart of the day.
Invariably, this gathering makes me proud, makes me cry.

It is always an event worth attending.