Although once considered rodents, lagomorphs like rabbits have been discovered to have diverged separately and earlier than their rodent cousins and have a number of traits rodents lack, like two extra incisors.–Wikipedia
Cambridge NY, New SketePicked up a puppyGerman police, Monsa, little dog…dogs are mentioned in the bible four timesthere is a symbiosis, trust, that can be cultivated between dogs and peoplehalfway between Cambridge and Charlottesville, walking on the outskirts of Hazelton PAWhat’s up with the suffix kill? (B.Gordon answers: “A kill is a body of water, most commonly a creek, but also a tidal inlet, river, strait, or arm of the sea. The term is derived from the Middle Dutch kille (kil in modern Dutch), meaning “riverbed” or “water channel”.)Matilda rode in the backseat with ESusquehanna sunsetTilly visiting E a week later