Really. I am fine. Knock on wood. So far. 30 pack-years. Used to remove asbestos with bare hands, snack on lead paint, eat oranges covered with molybendum grease. Fine today.
Watermen have been oystering from the Callis jetty in Town Creek since 1957. Earlier this year the jetty sold. The idea was, the new owner might could provide the watermen a place to work from, continuing a 60+ year tradition. Hasn’t happened yet. Watermen have been told, at least for now, to move on.
The watercraft currently tied up at Callis’ jetty are largely utilitarian. Barges. Can you distinguish them from their land cousin, the dumpster?
The LanCoVa Supervisors voted unanimously to grant a special exception for an industrial use (marine construction) in the middle of a residential neighborhood. I am dumbstruck, in search of a land use guru who can explain how this action was anything other than arbitrary and capricious given the existing Lancaster County zoning code.
David Neal, Senior Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center, Chapel Hill Office. Seated between Al Gore and Queen Zakia Shabazz. Mr. Neal spoke at the 2/19/19 Moral Call For Ecological Justice in Buckingham event.