wet basement

reflecting pond
897 gallons of water in the house

high water
Under normal conditions I can kayak underneath this boardwalk.

The bald cypress is fenced off, its a favorite of local deer. Usually it is high and dry.
The bald cypress is fenced off, its a favorite of local deer. Usually it is high and dry.

Rivanna Renaissance

Rivanna River Woolen Mills
“The degradation of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem took place more than two centuries; it will take more than three decades to reverse. The newly signed Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement—with its clear, well-defined and achievable goals and outcomes, its flexibility to respond and adapt to changing conditions and its public engagement—sets the course and provides the watershedwide commitment to get us there.”–Nicholas DiPasquale, Director of the EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program (left, DiPasquale paddling the Rivanna, October 1)
DiPasquale one of the speakers at today’s Rivanna Renaissance conference.

The Cloud of Unknowing

these band members gave the band name as "The Cloud of Unknowing"
The Cloud of Unknowing counsels a young student to seek God, not through knowledge and intellection (faculty of the human mind), but through intense contemplation, motivated by love, and stripped of all thought. This is brought about by putting all thoughts and desires under a “cloud of forgetting”, and thereby piercing God’s cloud of unknowing with a “dart of longing love” from the heart. This form of contemplation is not directed by the intellect, but involves spiritual union with God through the heart:–Wikipedia

Entrance Corridor

a green city
A Green City
Charlottesville citizens live in a community with a vibrant urban forest, tree‐lined streets, and lush green neighborhoods. We have an
extensive natural trail system, along with healthy rivers and streams. We have clean air and water, we emphasize recycling and reuse, and we
minimize storm‐water runoff. Our homes and buildings are sustainably designed and energy efficient.