Liquidambar styraciflua

gum balla
The earliest known published record of Liquidambar styraciflua is in a work by Spanish naturalist Francisco Hernández published posthumously in 1615, in which he describes the species as a large tree producing a fragrant gum resembling liquid amber, whence the genus name Liquidambar. In John Ray’s Historia Plantarum (1686) it is called Styrax liquida. However, the first mention of any use of the amber is described by Juan de Grijalva, the nephew of the governor of Cuba, in the year 1517. Juan de Grijalva tells of gift exchanges with the Mayas “who presented them with, among other things, hollow reeds of about a span long filled with dried herbs and sweet-smelling liquid amber which, when lighted in the way shown by the natives, diffused an agreeable odour.”[11] The species was introduced into Europe in 1681 by John Banister, the missionary collector sent out by Bishop Compton, who planted it in the palace gardens at Fulham in London, England.–Wikipedia

The fruit people love to hate, gum balls. Goldfinches, purple finches, squirrels, and chipmunks eat the seeds of the tree. The long-persisting fallen spiked fruits can be unpleasant to walk on; sweet gum is banned in some places for this reason–Wikipedia


At dawn (but no sunrise, overcast) walked across the Beaufort Bridge, ran into the bridgekeeper. He says he grew up where waterfront park is located, always wanted to operate the bridge. The man got his wish.

February 2004 I visited Megan, Percy, Fredericka, Bella and Kathy Ravenel. We went to a nursery on Edisto. I bought a quercus virginiana.

I planted the live oak at Slabtown. This fall, nineteen years later, it made acorns.

Kathy Ravenel, Fred Alexander