Canopy Street

Entrance Corridor, E High Street
In 1975, under the leadership of Charlottesville Parks and Recreation director, Gene German,
George Briggs and Clare Byrd developed “Guidelines For A Street Tree Planting Master Program
For Charlottesville Virginia”.

The study chose to look first at the public sector of town. In order to determine which streets
would be the most important ones to include in the planting masterplan in the sense that they are
heavily used, and serve to connect vital parts of the town together.
All points of entry into the City are noted since thy are heavily traveled and are also
important in terms of the first impressions which they give.If these streets were well-planted
with canopy trees, there would also be more shade, and less noise, glare, dust and
pollution for people to have to deal with everyday.

wheelbarrow of life

shadow planting trees
My sister was a faithful reader of this page. So last time I had a wheelbarrow picture it
was titled “Our Father’s Wheelbarrow”.
Our father was not mechanical. He couldn’t fix a broken lawn mower. But he was Saint Francis
when it came to plants, he’d touch them and they’d grow. The wheelbarrow feels full of his energy.
Imagination? Dementia? Fond wishes? A combination of the three.
Planted a q.stellata, q. macrocarpa, q.falcata and a taxodium distichum…



tree in situ

in glorious color
エッカ石油(株) 屋宜原給油所
501-2 Yagibaru, Kitanakagusuku, Nakagami District, Okinawa 901-2304, Japan