Ethel, Jimmy and two guys

directing traffic
My coworker from University Diner, Ethel at her 2nd job with the CPD. She was a force of nature. All business. Don’t cross her don’t boss her.
James Earl Carter Jr.
My president, Jimmy.
old style
February 9, 1987 President Carter came to town, the people turned out.


grocery store checkout
River Road Safeway, 1987, no barcodes, no scanners, no plexiglass, no card readers. Great people.

Miz Mouse Mus Musculus

mouse and rodent activity wheel
She was a gentle loving mouse. Prisoner for four years. Always had a smile, devoted to the children. In her old age the twins helped her with water therapy and groomed her with their fingertips.

the past

1963 VW
Ah, I enjoyed being a young adult. The 1963 VW bug. Radio antennas. Budweiser. Cats.