Virginica O

Virginica O dusk, Bertrand
SEXUAL PHASES IN THE AMERICAN OYSTER (OSTREA VIRGINICA) During the past three years there has been an accumulation of evidence which indicates that in at least three of the so-called dioecious species of the genus Ostrea a change or sex frequently occurs from season to season or between early life and full maturity. It may be recalled that at least ten of the more than sixty described species of the genus are regularly hermaphroditic and larviparous. Some of these exhibit a rhythmical sequence of alternating male and female phases…W.R.Coe Biological Bulletin
Vol. 63, No. 3 (Dec., 1932), pp. 419-441

the day after

I expected more election activity on the street in Huey Pierce Long’s homestate.
No one handing out walking around money, could hardly tell an election was happening
except on TV where the heads were screaming.

rabbit ears NoLA
Rabbit Ears, 8225 Oak Street