
Route 29 Charlottesville VA
Rt. 29, Charlottesville, VA, May 18, 1975

Schoenbaum went on to found the Shoney’s restaurant chain, a regional organization which is one of the largest businesses to have originated in West Virginia and was at one time one of the largest family owned restaurant chains in the United States.—Wikipedia

Odocoileus virginianus

4 lane 35mph
A pedestrian has a 3.5% chance of being killed by a vehicle traveling at fifteen miles per hour, but the likelihood of death increases to 37% when the vehicle is traveling at thirty-one miles per hour and to 83% when the vehicle is traveling at forty-four miles per hour.–Why Pedestrian-Friendly Street Design is Not Negligent Michael Lewyn

highway man

rest stop getting there or over
Citizen in distress or a hustle? The narrative is “my car is overheating. Can you give me a couple of bucks? I need antifreeze. If I add water it boils out but antifreeze doesn’t boil out until 400 degrees. I wired the fan so it runs all the time but the car still overheats. I just need to get to Kissimmee.” This in a rest stop on I-4 north of Orlando.