Photos by Bill Moretz on display 10am-6pm until June 30, 2011 at Angelo
Category: friends
time machine
Malcolm Holcombe a few years back.
Elephant Rock
traveling day
father and sons
We went to my step-dad’s favorite restaurant, Angela’s, 425 North Ridge Road, Richmond, Virginia. Hadn’t been there for six months. They were very kind, sent us home with extra food, “so you won’t have to cook”. Family.
Rt 360 Westbound
Ray Wittenberg of the Oxford American writes:
I’ve been replaced!…. how fickle is the fickle finger of fate!?!
No no, 8 years, different technology, Ray and Sophie, tri-x film, 21mm, Leica. Jim and Sophie, digital, zoom lens. Change and sameness. Same dog. Same model car. Same activity, different road. Dog conserving her energy in 2010, riding lying down.