Silent Sam

CHO City manager moves to Chapel Hill
Following the Charlottesville incidents a crowd of a hundred people gathered in August 2017 around the statue to call for its removal. University officials are evaluating state law to determine if that is possible.–Wikipedia

To the sons of the University who entered the war of 1861-65 in answer to the call of their country and whose lives taught the lesson of their great commander that duty is the sublimest word in the English language.–text block on the side of Silent Sam

Charlottesville City Manager is moving to Chapel Hill. Always some statuary to greet the new employee. UVA has a memorial landscape as well. Is UNC like UVA, not part of Chapel Hill?

Silent Sam was torn down August 20, 2018 by a crowd of “protestors”

dystopian utopia

A day set to the lyrics of Mr. Bob Dylan (2:41 pm)

“Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child’s balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying”—Dylan It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)

turtle hand
Turtles came out for the eclipse. They were everywhere. I saw an ambulance stop for a turtle in the road. (3:26 pm)
Walker Fogel
Charlottesville City Council meeting. Pain, shouting, finger pointing. 7:36 pm.

“Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Make everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It’s easy to see without looking too far
That not much is really sacred” – Bob Dylan It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)

feet on the dais
The regular business of Council was suspended. 7:36 pm
I have a cousin who wants to join the police. It is a tough career choice. Requires great care and mindfulness. 7:44 pm

Flying a sign

high street 250 cho
All of her signs had “God Bless” written across the bottom. That’s a trope now. Whether your claim is that of a homeless veteran or a Katrina victim or just a wise-ass gutterpunk with a sign that says, “I need beer,” writing “God Bless” on the bottom of your sign is telling passersby that you’re safe, you’re good, you’re just unlucky, but you’re right with the Lord.–Vice

highway man

rest stop getting there or over
Citizen in distress or a hustle? The narrative is “my car is overheating. Can you give me a couple of bucks? I need antifreeze. If I add water it boils out but antifreeze doesn’t boil out until 400 degrees. I wired the fan so it runs all the time but the car still overheats. I just need to get to Kissimmee.” This in a rest stop on I-4 north of Orlando.

Kitatama Elementary School

Kitatama ES
Neighborhood school across the street and up the hill. Looks like a school, not a factory. Gardens on the school grounds, different than the US model (big parking lot and few windows)
Notable degree of cleanliness prevails. Possibly that training starts early? A commonly held societal value?
residential streets
The hillside neighborhood is an oasis of quiet. The neighborhood streets are typically 12-14′ wide. “Fire codes” wouldn’t allow this street typology in the US.
Walking to school starts early.
The practice of walking to school is nearly universal and starts early.
Car use around the school is restrict. The community assures that children walk, and that while walking they are safe.
Car use around the school is restricted. The community assures that children walk, and that while walking they are safe.