Bud Guy

Jason Bunny Bud
As the Krewe of O.A.K. (Outrageous And Kinky) prepares to parade from Oak Street to Palmer Park the Budweiser guy drinks a 12 oz can. Last day of August, midsummer Mardi Gras.


Milo Bechtel-Scott of Free Union

We have a “dogwood festival parade” in Charlottesville. I love a parade. People in the street. Music.

Florettes Majorettes, Richmond, VA

A communal celebration, in the daylight. The nearest we get in the Old Dominion to a second line.


Charlottesville High School band

Lexie the Pomeranian

Bring you flag, your dog, your children your vehicle

Woody Berry, the man inside the Lion

I saw a former work colleague getting ready with the lion suit. Woody has been a Lion’s Club member for 32 years.

Tiny Miss Scottsville

Great anticipation rules. Wearing the tiara.

Pete Carey

Rodney Gallagher

Abigail Griswold

Market Street

A perfect day for a parade, cool temperatures, California quality light.


The main excitement was some vapor and engine noise from a biking contingent. Alas, breaking traction is frowned upon in the Old Dominion.


People in Richmond are all about business. No time for the CHO foolishness. Have to be serious to live in RIC.


Walking in the County southeast past the shops at Stonefield. Enjoying the new sidewalk and trees. Headed home. Arriving at the “Main Street” of the County, US Route 29, the neighborhood model takes on a new light. How is the pedestrian meant to cross into Charlottesville? Carefully. Not sure exactly how many lanes there are, standing on one side they are a challenge to count. Big asphalt. Twelve lanes?

There are lots of hashmarks scattered about the intersection, providing guidance to motorists about how to negotiate the DMZ. I didn’t see a crosswalk.
It seems that “transit” in the county means four wheels and a motor. If you have the misfortune to engage in bipedal locomotion, be fleet of foot. What momma said. Look both ways before crossing this road.

In an alternate reality.