big tent

aka nTelos Pavilion
T-storms rumbled through town yesterday afternoon. Pictured above the big tent that ate the view of the mountains from CHO downtown.

Locust Avenue

The Michie-Morris House is named for its initial owner, Hay Watson Michie, who built the house in 1898. Michie was the wife of G. R. B. Michie, an investor in the Locust Grove Investment Company, and purchased the property before the area was platted by the development company. After the Michies moved to The Farm in 1909, they sold this house to the Morris family.

day of rest

butler building?
“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”–Matthew 18:19-20

Urban Design

Our City is currently involved in several urban design discussions simultaneously.
Are cities gender neutral? Our city, being Charlotte’s Ville. Maybe she can multitask. Talk about redesigning her central park and her bridge downtown and not cut off the wrong leg by mistake.
I have missed the bridge-design events & discussion. Watching the video by Dan Bluestone and Brian Wimer has me playing catch-up.

Why do we allow our bad things to happen to our cities? Why do we allow our cities to be designed by autos and fire engines?
Jim Kunstler talked a bit about the Law of Perverse Outcomes in his November 2011 “Eyesore of the Month”.

in the bunker

For a hundred years the Woolen Mills had greenspace at its northwestern entrance. The greenspace was agricultural land, then a golf course, and finally (for 70 years) a ball field and open green.
Two years ago the commons was fenced and turned into a “regional aquatic facility”, it was at capacity yesterday.

I wish we’d invested a bit more time “in the bunker” designing this local amenity.
The part I don’t remember, in the run-up to the construction of water-world was the part where Parks and Rec officials said “it’s going to be a hummock of ugly and we are going to plant our flag on the top.”