first time

headed south to Sylvan on Horseneck Road

My sister loved work. Visited Sylvan Nursery yesterday, one of her workplaces, first time ever I have been there without her.
Gray in her Sylvan happy place

Bought a sourwood or sorrel tree, Oxydendrum arboreum, the sole species in the genus Oxydendrum. It’s a Virginia native.
The first time I bought a sourwood, Emma, Helen and I planted it in Gray’s front yard, on her 45th birthday. This 2nd one goes in my oak-heath forest on Market Street. Hope the roots whisper to each other across the 459 mile divide.
Back to Gray’s I looped south to the ocean and west by way of East Beach Road. The section of road destroyed by Hurricane Irene has been reconstituted.


Mr Maurice Jones
In our town there is one Council meeting every two years opened by the City Manager. This is the first meeting following the expiration of the Mayor’s term when the City Councilors choose one of their colleagues to be the boss of the dais for the next two years and another of their colleagues to be the underboss.

Now, our City is a bit of a machine politics town, all the Councilors are Democrats. They do argue amongst themselves, have healthy debates, intrigues, kerfluffles. They get things done, spend money.

Still, I like the pretense that a vote will be taken, it just feels more democratic.

So, do they do this every time? Telegraph the result of the vote before the vote? That is Mr. Jones, our excellent City Manager, sitting on the mayoral throne, gaveling open the meeting. And the sign in front says Huja.

Huja is the mayor who was elected several minutes later.

old girls

Sophia and EG
Always treat your parents as if they are close friends who are soon to move to a distant land from where it will be impossible ever to
return. Never take them for granted, no matter how busy life gets. You can’t imagine your mother and father dying. And then they do.–Tony Parsons