RVA When I was a child the James River and its tributaries between Bosher’s dam and Williams Island was my playground. I walked east along the south bank of the James River last week. The City of Richmond has done a commendable job providing trails and access. The river is now enjoyed by many. In the 60’s there were few trails. We’d bush whack through stands of this (Laportea canadensis?) taller than we were.
Water Street I wonder if there are variable font sizes sign haiku with Jamaican twang Be careful brave pedestrians. Motorists don’t notice change in the rut to work. 10th and Water intersection traffic pattern change. It has been a long time coming.
Anura Tree tubes offer protection from the herbivores, insects and an extended growing season for saplings. I do wonder what the environment has to offer for a frog? How did he/she gain access?