Platanus occidentalis

Sycamore behind the VFW on River Road, next to the Rivanna. This tree had been encased with bamboo. Recently liberated by?

A sycamore can grow to massive proportions, typically reaching up to 30 to 40 m (98 to 131 ft) high and 1.5 to 2 m (4.9 to 6.6 ft) in diameter when grown in deep soils. The largest of the species have been measured to 53 m (174 ft), and nearly 4 m (13 ft) in diameter.-Wikipedia


Meeting today with a neighbor who understands the Internet. Hoping, with his help, to get back in the good graces of Google. I am tempted by the sledgehammer. In 1978 I was breaking temporary constructions to reclaim lumber. The next owner of the farm burnt down the loved house in the background. Seemingly, because he could.

Lurtie Breedin and Scott Christian in the tall grass
Left, Lurtie Breedin. One of the CCC boys.


Wish I was in South Carolina today. There would be pictures .

“People who complained that New Hampshire was no place for a presidential primary just haven’t been to South Carolina. The flinty Granite State has its faults, but it looks like an island of tolerance compared with this capital of implacability, fierce fundamentalism and dirty politics.”

Losing Battles (Washington Post, 2/20/2000) Mary McGrory


I am uninformed about wildlife but entirely entertained. Glad in this case not to be the farmer (Ricky Renyolds) of this small grain.

I am curious about the goose in the middle. He/she seems less in step than the rest of the squadron.
aerodynamically similar
who is that goose?