Coluber constrictor constrictor reminded of my favorite line from Avatar, “I see you”. Rested and ready to go, spotted Thursday afternoon.
Cville Plans Together March 1 City Council endorsed the affordable housing plan, the lead piece of the three part Cville Plans Together effort. The three easy pieces, the housing plan, a rewritten “Comprehensive” plan and a rewritten zoning ordinance. Who will make the money from this effort? Who will loose? The 4.86 acre H.T.Ferron plant, once zoned for manufacturing, is now zoned for PUD. No one agrees what PUD is. That is what is so wonderful about PUD. You see what you want to see. Possibly we’ll rezone the entire city PUD?
ten years My sister Gray Coale made her exit a decade ago. So much to do, so little time. Be busy. Walking Lewes to Brighton, 2004
Baltimore Watching Clarke Peters from the Wire in Da 5 Bloods. I want to watch the Wire again. I want to ride the train again.
Due Process A contrast to the black and white rabbit, the Due Process, 29.6 meter motor yacht. Boca Raton, FL, January, 2017