God & I

Pastor Jesse Johnson
I got that license plate back in 95 or 96. The ironic thing about that license plate—I wanted it to say GOD & ME. A good friend of mine, I don’t’ know if you know him, Pastor Hayes, Rupert Hayes, anyway, he had GOD & ME, so I couldn’t get that. So I had to change it to GOD & I. What made me get those license plates was in 1994, my wife passed away. She had sugar real bad and she passed away. I just felt so alone, so therefore I say, “Well, Lord, it’s just You and me.” Just God and myself. And a commemoration to her, I had the license plate GOD & I. Because on my other car I had her initials and my initials on it. So as a commemoration to her, now it’s just God and I. That’s why I keep that license plate.


Route 29 Charlottesville VA
Rt. 29, Charlottesville, VA, May 18, 1975

Schoenbaum went on to found the Shoney’s restaurant chain, a regional organization which is one of the largest businesses to have originated in West Virginia and was at one time one of the largest family owned restaurant chains in the United States.—Wikipedia