Arbor Day

catalpa McIntire Park
The Spanish village of MondoƱedo held the first documented arbor plantation festival in the world organized by its mayor in 1594. The place remains as Alameda de los Remedios and it is still planted with lime and horse-chestnut trees. A humble granite marker and a bronze plate recall the event. Additionally, the small Spanish village of Villanueva de la Sierra held the first modern Arbor Day, an initiative launched in 1805 by the local priest with the enthusiastic support of the entire population.–Wikipedia
Every year for at least the last ten Charlottesville Parks and Rec staff, city leaders, Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards, Druids and others celebrate Arbor Day, often designating a Landmark Tree. Today the event was rained out (3 inches of precip before midday). Above, Parks and Rec staff clears out a stormwater drain in McIntire Park downhill from the catalpa.
branch of the Catalpa
I didn’t get the memo that the event had been rescheduled. Missed the people but the Catalpa was there.
tree dog man
Matilda and I took a self portrait with the Catalpa. Charlottesville is recognized as a “Tree City” by the Arbor Day Foundation. We are a tree city with a declining percentage of tree canopy. There is work to be done.

Arbor Day 2013
Arbor Day 2012
Arbor Day 2011


Tilly has a defined route in the morning. One stop is visiting with neighbor dog Rivers.
3 dogs
Running by the river, on occasion we stop and make the acquaintance of new canines
A swim followed by rolling in the dirt provides a capstone experience.


dead scooter
I have never ridden a scooter. Can someone tell me about scooters? I see them abandoned in all manner of desolate places. Are they abandoned because the batteries have died? When you rent a scooter does it inform you of the battery charge level? When the battery dies does the machine stop abruptly? If a user repeatedly parks a scooter in forbidden places (blocking sidewalks) do the scooter companies have the capacity to block the user from renting?


spring morning
Spring mornings are a delight for the eye and nose. A low hemophagic critter index prevails but it is warm enough to volatilize a universe of scents.