White deer black dog Charlottesville is a small city with big plans. Beautiful places remain, they are deserted in the rain, it is the most contemplative time to walk. Did the city officially extend white privilege to albino deer? There is a program in CHO to eliminate deer generally. The albinos are rare, according to the Internet 1 in 20,000. Being Charlottesville it will probably be hit by a car.
Georgetown Veterinary All the dogs I’ve been associated with have enjoyed visiting the veterinarian. How do I know? They are excited to get in the building, they enjoy interaction with the DVMs and other personnel. For thirty seven years they’ve been looked over by the same doctor. I started using this clinic in 1974.
Ida Forty eight years have passed. I’ve had a number of domestic associates in that time. My memory of how we parted ways is clear in all cases except with Ida. I don’t remember her death, I don’t remember her burial. Where did she go? Who did she take up with?