Rt 29 No

detention pond
I received a request from China for pictures of Charlottesville so I biked north via the John Warner Parkway to our “Main Street”, the curiously named Seminole Trail. Why is it named that? No one seems to know.
Most likely it was a trick. Mad Men work, advertising to attract the gullible.
It is a remarkable area, this Seminole Trail, a land of many lakes and places to shop. The lake above was built in association with the newly constructed Arden Place. The name sounds so wonderful, Arden, garden, ardent, verdant…
Arden has some advertising literature which really nails the essence of this area…

Neither urban, nor rural.
 Rather, uptown vibrancy.
Arden Place is a luxury Charlottesville apartment community offering unparalleled levels of quality and service. Located off Route 29 No. in the center of the area’s best shopping, dining, and entertainment, you’ll find you have more time to spend on what is important to you.

bad mulching practice
Headed South on the Seminole Trail I encountered Wildlife. One wonders why these creatures would prefer a parking lot to the aquatic expanses of a detention pond?

mother of all mudpuddles
This is an informal detention pond on the west side of Route 29.

detention pond
This is a formal detention pond in the course of construction. At a later date nature band-aids will be added to its gently sloping sides.
Possibly geese seek out parking lots because they are upstream of these ponds, closer to the source (rainfall) and therefor comparably pristine?

In the course of my three mile ride along Rt 29 (from Arden Place to Barracks Road) I saw one pedestrian.

nassau street
Ended my ride in the East Belmont/Carlton section of Charlottesville.

(Please, if you can direct me toward a silviculture resource for dry ponds and extended detention dry basins do so. It seems that these pits offer new ground for growing fabulous specimen trees in an urban setting.)

pave paradise

Which transportation projects should Albemarle County and Charlottesville begin planning for now to make it easier for people to travel around the community in the future?–Sean Tubbs.
Charlottesville Tomorrow has the story on yesterday’s local confab regarding which roads the community builds next. The idea of paving Charlottesville, using it as an intersection between Albemarle County locations seems to have a lot of support. Planners want cars to be comfortable, not to be impeded in their daily course.

meter hookup
I live in a neighborhood built before the introduction of the automobile. The last couple of days have been delightful from a traffic point of view. The water main contractor has been inconveniencing drivers as they cut-through our residential streets, reducing their speed and their number.

Single-family residential zoning districts are established to provide and protect quiet, low-density residential areas wherein the predominant pattern of residential development is the single-family dwelling.

corner of Franklin and Market
The utility pole at this location and the stone wall on its right have been chunked down by oversized vehicles cutting the corner (see scrapes on the sign).

signs of transgression

Interceptor Anastomosis, Contractor Jamboree

Caterpillar 330C hydraulic excavator
Metra Industries people unload Cat 330C at the intersection of the Meadowcreek Parkway and Melbourne Road.
This area is jumping. So much going on. Is the incoming machine bound for the McIntire Road Extended work area, the Meadowcreek Parkway work area, county land, city land? Will it be working on the Meadowcreek Interceptor, or the 7,000 linear foot Schenk’s Branch Interceptor?

Who is the big boss, the high overseer? Did He/She call buyers in Melbourne Park and let them know their view of the Schenk’s Branch valley and McIntire Park was soon to be replaced with acres of scalped earth and finally, a highway?

left bank, Schenk's Branch