Mortality I was consuming last night, broke a tooth. Enthusiastic consumer. Mother and children. Sentient beings. Nothing good in store but a meal is a meal, the present moment gratifying. Don’t think about tomorrow?
lacrimation There is a show on PBS, “Call the Midwife”. Have you ever watched it? Humans, at birth, the entrance, the first act, it is an unforgettable moment.
mother and child 310 W Main Charlottesville Virginia. Once upon a time it was a Trailways station. I rode a lot. This was in 1970. Thanks to Ryan Jones at ProCamera, 711 W Main. He fixed the Coolscan, my door to the past.
Learning to walk there is the moving the legs aspect and the balance the crawler signs a request for aid bi-pedal. One foot in front of the other. mission accomplished
take me back Take me way, way, way back, way backTo when, when I understoodWhen I understood the light, when I understood the light–Van Morrisson
collective nouns this family gathering doesn’t involve food or football… Can’t find a collective noun for dolls. An aieee of dolls?
rabbit ears I had a plan to toss the rabbit ears, converter box, 13″ cathode ray tube TV and VHS machine.Only to be blocked by memory and the soul in the machine.