cultural appropriation gone wrong Was it the Mount Vernon Motel? Is it supposed to look Jeffersonian? Who knows, gone now. As Wesley Morris says, our culture is trash.
ladder I hope to never climb another ladder but until I can arrange the particulars, the ladder is my dangerous friend who introduces me to his/her’s amoral chum, gravity. 9.8 meters per second squared…
standing seam Up on Cel and Betty’s roof, in theory, cleaning the gutters, in practice looking at the immediate world.
the same but different Mensroom old Kohler cast iron lavatory, new American Standard commode, 1.28gpf
Charlottesville’s Dream Crystal City Pentagon City. Parking underground, Whole Food’s attached, not affordable but otherwise Charlottesville’s dream.
the Quick and the Dead Bellefontaine Cemetery. Opened in St. Louis 1850 with the thought that an out of town burying ground would reduce deaths from cholera (graveyard vapors thought to contribute to cholera). Went to visit great great granddad who died in STL in 1854 of Cholera.