Emma stayed with her grandmother last night.
Month: April 2012
Describing someone who is far from alert or oriented to time and space, and exhibits other signs being confused, a state just short of frank delirium.
I worked here forty years ago, then it was one building, a surface parking lot and nuns on the seventh floor. Forty years. O lost!
Sophia sofa
dead birds
I have gotten little traction for my proposal to leash the King of suburbia, felis catus.
Had occasion to be reminded of cats’ killing prowess when Gordon hauled in a Cardinalis cardinalis.
Gordo growled to be sure I didn’t mess with the bird while she tried to clear her lips of those pesky bird feathers.
Meanwhile, out on Market Street, two members of Turdus migratorius clan are road kill, extinguished by that other King of suburbia, the automobile.
What kills birds? Consultants to the Wind Power Industry on birds and other wildlife issues, Curry and Kerlinger LLC put together some numbers which hold that glass windows are the largest bird slayer, 100-900 million birds per year. (love that range, factor of nine. Doesn’t inspire confidence).
House cats and motor vehicles each dispatch a 100 million.
I feel like a politician, “don’t believe the numbers”. From my experience, domestic cats rule in the realm of shredded tweet. That 100 million dead for cats, way low.
Leash law for the kitties!