At this time we conclude that slight browning of newly-sprouted radicles should be ignored for planting acorns. Intentionally trimming the radicles may alter root morphology, while severe trimming will lead to sure failure of emergence.–University of California
Category: dictionary
1.cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: a sanguine disposition; sanguine expectations.–
Buckingham Branch employee sledgehammers slag off a new track weld between 1st and 2nd Street northeast in Charlottesville Virginia. lists no synonyms for sledgehammer.
The word sledgehammer is derived from the Anglo Saxon “Slaegan”, which, in its first sense, means “to strike violently”. The English words “slag”, “slay”, and “slog” are cognate.–Wikipedia
the batman
noun, plural bat·men. (in the British army) a soldier assigned to an officer as a servant.
Origin: 1745–55; short for bat-horse man, equivalent to bat < French bât packsaddle (< Vulgar Latin *bastum, noun derivative of *bastāre to carry < Late Greek *bastân, re-formation of Greek bastázein to lift, carry) + horse +
The Dark Knight Rises review
verb (used without object) 1. to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens (often followed by for, till, or until)–Dictionary-com
mis·spell–verb (used with object), verb (used without object), mis·spelled or mis·spelt, mis·spell·ing.
to spell incorrectly.–
reenactor (noun)–a person who enacts a role in an event that occurred earlier.–
The event in this case, local militia putting up light resistance as Banastre Tarleton and his soldiers crossed the Rivanna at Secretary’s Ford and headed up Monticello to try and catch the slippery Thomas Jefferson and TV star/Virginia legislator Daniel Boone,
first militia action, June 4, 1781, this militia action, Jackson Park, June 2, 2012.
Stone veneer being applied to a building on the “Shops at Stonefield” site.
[vuh-neer] noun
1. a thin layer of wood or other material for facing or inlaying wood.
2. any of the thin layers of wood glued together to form plywood.
3. Building Trades . a facing of a certain material applied to a different one or to a type of construction not ordinarily associated with it, as a facing of brick applied to a frame house.
4. a superficially valuable or pleasing appearance: a cruel person with a veneer of kindliness.–
I wonder how honesty in language would work? The shoppes at Cinderblock?
gizmo [giz-moh] noun. Definition: gadget
Synonyms: appliance, contraption, contrivance, device, doohickey, instrument, machine, mechanical device, thingamabob, thingamajig, tool, whatchamacallit, widget
al·ley [al-ee] noun, plural al·leys.
1. a passage, as through a continuous row of houses, permitting access from the street to backyards, garages, etc.
2. a narrow back street.–
Back before fire engines achieved the leadership role in urban design, back when streets were a part of the public commons, there were alleys. In Charlottesville several neighborhoods established before the apotheosis of the Automobile have alleys. The alley above is in Belmont, parallel to and north of Hinton Avenue.
Dear Charlottesville Planning Commission. Please consider the reintroduction of the alley into the urban form.