River Thing

Wednesday, July 20, the City Council will interview candidates for the City’s “Planning Commission”.
I hope the Councilors will ask PC wannabees to:

Identify strategies to maximize the presence and value of the Rivanna River in the life of the City.

The city of Charlottesville has a 3.6 mile waterfront without a single path from the river’s edge to the water.
Imagine that.

A city that ignores its river cannot call itself great.

Polar Bears and Liberty

US district court for the western district of Virginia held session at Monticello today and naturalized a group of new US citizens.

There were a lot of Coca-Cola bottles and logos in evidence.

citizens attended to sing and celebrate

local and network tv on hand to document the crazy salad.

We walked to Monticello past the homeless camps of Albemarle County and the beautiful remains of Mr. Jefferson’s liriodendron tulipifera.