Month: August 2010
Woolen Mills Road
6/10ths of a mile from downtown Charlottesville.
Climate classification. Humid subtropical climates (Cfa, Cwa): These climates usually occur in the interiors of continents, or on their east coasts, mainly in the high 20s and 30s latitude (although they may occur as far north as 46°N in Europe). Unlike the Mediterranean climates, the summers are humid due to unstable tropical air masses, or onshore Trade Winds.–Wikipedia
Slabtown Road
eating machines
eating machine
Caterpillars have about 4,000 muscles (compare humans, with 629). They move through contraction of the muscles in the rear segments pushing the blood forward into the front segments elongating the torso. The average caterpillar has 248 muscles in the head segment alone. Wikipedia
the right stuff
Yeager, who never attended college and was often modest about his background, is considered by some to be one of the greatest pilots of all time. Despite his lack of higher education, he has been honored in his home state. Marshall University has named its highest academic scholarship, the Society of Yeager Scholars, in his honor. Additionally, Yeager Airport in Charleston, West Virginia, is named after him. The Interstate 64/Interstate 77 bridge over the Kanawha River in Charleston is named for Yeager.–Wikipedia
Big Horn County
The Crow had more horses than any other Plains tribe; in 1914 they numbered approximately thirty to forty thousand head. They also had many dogs; one source counted five to six hundred. The Crow were a nomadic people.
The Crow were organized by matrilineal descent. After marriage, the couple was matrilocal (the husband moved to the wife’s mother’s house upon marriage). Women held a significant role within the tribe.–Wikipedia
The Crow (Apsáalooke ) Tribe of Indians has a membership of approximately 11,000, of whom 7,900 reside on the Crow Indian Reservation. Eighty-five percent speak Crow as their first language. The tribe is originally called “Apsáalooke ,” which means “children of the large-beaked bird.” White men later misinterpreted the word as “Crow.”–Crow Tribe
Groovy Cools
Deception Pass
Deception Pass Bridge featured in an old tennis shoe ad.
Deception Pass