not Laocoon

one reaction to the daily news. If you could, please let me know the statue from which this head is copied


Steve Ashby
I met Steve Ashby in 1972 doing a project for Chuck Perdue’s folklore class.
Ashby's house
Steve lived here, in Delaplane Virginia.
“Steve Ashby lived his entire life in a small town in Virginia, an unincorporated community roughly fifty miles west of Washington, DC. The son of an emancipated slave, he was the second of twelve children. Outside of a brief stint as a restaurant waiter, Ashby spent most of his life working the soil as a farmer and gardener until he retired in 1950. Although he had tinkered with small-scale wooden sculptures throughout his life, it was only after the death of his wife in 1960 that he started to experiment with figural sculptures.–National Gallery of Art
Steve told me he’d dream things at night, wake up and carve them in the morning.

Ashby creation
I don’t remember seeing a TV in Steve’s house, but somewhere he must have run into Donny and Marie Osmond.

final page
Chuck Perdue let me make scrapbooks.

one year old

dog at table
Tilly joined us for dinner last night celebrating today’s birthday.

Here are some things you should expect from your one-year-old:
Your child should recognize her name and look to you when you say it.
She should have at least one word in addition to mama and dada, even though you may be the only one who understands it.
She can pick up Cheerios (as well as stray buttons, dead bugs…) with two fingers — and put them in her mouth.
She may be able to hold a cup to her mouth.
She knows “no.”
First steps are taken!
Two naps begin to consolidate into one midday nap around this age.
Your child should be weaned off of pureed food at around 1 year; she can eat everything you eat if it is in chewable pieces (except potential allergens if there’s a family history).
She’s doing a good job of developing fine motor skills: banging objects, poking fingers, making marks on paper. No piano concertos just yet, but she’s working on it.–


50 cent per head charge for livestock weighed which is not consigned for sale through market
to avoid complaints watch livestock being weighed
white guys
Tobacco auction
Estate auction, 1970’s